St James' Catholic Primary School

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Monday 3rd June

Year 5 explored the Coniston CopperValley for our geography field trip today. We learned about the mining history and geology of the area and got to explore the scenery and even a mine! What a great day!

Earth day - Monday April 22nd 

Earth Day is an annual event where people celebrate and aim to learn more about to help protect our planet. The theme for this year was 'Planet v’s Plastic'. As a school, we learned about the different challenges facing our planet and participated in a variety of activities to help us to learn more about how we can do our bit to help reduce plastic waste and help our planet.

As well as each class taking part in Earth Day activities, we also managed to raise a fantastic £110 for Cumbria Wildlife Trust by wearing green or blue for Earth day! Brilliant! Thank you to everyone that donated.

Monday 26th February 

We have been learning about climate change in Year 5. We listened to the story of Greta Thunberg and created posters to boost awareness of the challenges we are facing as a planet.

Monday 20th November

A few useful websites to support your geography knowledge.

KS1 BBC Bitesize 


KS2 BBC Bitesize 


You can use this website to track a raindrop as it makes its journey down the river into the sea.


Geography games - test your knowledge of countries, capital cities, continents, oceans and more!


Here are a couple of websites with different Geography games to play. There are some tricky quizzes too!

Monday 5th June

As part of their mountain topic, Year 5 visited Coniston and explored the Copper Valley. It was a blazing hot day but they didn’t let it distract them from learning all about the surrounding mountains (and life as a miner).

Wednesday 17th May

Year 4 Coniston River Study

What a fantastic day for Year 4 to visit Coniston. The weather was almost as beautiful as the scenery. Year 4 have been learning about rivers and today they have had the opportunity to study a river (in Coniston) themselves. They learned a lot but also had so much fun. Here are a few photos from today. 

Monday 15th May 2023

As part of our geography topic on mountains and volcanoes, Year 5 participated in a fantastic workshop. We learned about how different mountains form, we looked at a variety of different rock samples and finally, we experimented with volcano models. Here are a few pictures from the day.

Earth Day (22nd April 2023)

Earth Day is an annual event where people celebrate and aim to learn more about to help protect our planet. The theme for this year was 'Invest in our planet'. As a school, we learned about the different challenges facing our planet and participated in a variety of activities to help us to learn more about how we can all 'Invest in our planet'. Here is a quick video about some of the activities we were involved in.

To learn more you can visit the Earth Day website:

November 2022

As a school, we participated in ‘The Great Cumbrian Litter Pick 2022’. Each class did their best to help keep our local area clean and litter free. What am amazing way to support out community and our local wildlife. Well done everyone!
